LED Strip Lighting vs Rope Lighting

June 26, 2022

LED Strip Lighting vs Rope Lighting: Which One Is Best for You?

LED lights have become popular in recent years, with the advances in technology and energy efficiency making them an excellent choice for lighting in a range of applications. Two of the most popular options are LED strip lights and rope lights. But which one is best for you? Let's compare.

LED Strip Lighting

LED strip lighting, also known as tape lighting, is a flexible circuit board with surface-mounted LED chips. They are generally mounted on a self-adhesive backing that can be attached to almost any surface, making them incredibly versatile.

  • Cost: LED strip lighting can be more expensive than rope lighting, especially if you need a lot of them.
  • Brightness: LED strips are generally brighter than rope lights.
  • Positioning: LED strips are very versatile and can be mounted on almost any surface.
  • Energy efficiency: LED strips use less energy than rope lights, making them a great option for energy-efficient lighting.

Rope Lighting

Rope lighting is a string of small lights encased in a flexible, clear PVC tubing. They are often seen wrapped around trees, lining patios, or as festive décor during the holidays.

  • Cost: Rope lighting is generally cheaper than LED strip lighting.
  • Brightness: Rope lights are a bit dimmer than LED strip lights.
  • Positioning: Rope lights are more difficult to mount as they aren't as flexible as LED strips.
  • Energy efficiency: Rope lights use more energy than LED strips, but have lower wattage per foot.

Which One to Choose?

If you need a lot of lights and want to save money, then rope lighting may be the best choice for you. However, if you want brighter, more versatile lighting that is energy efficient, then LED strip lighting is the better option.

Ultimately, it comes down to your lighting needs and preferences. Consider the purpose, location, and placement of the lighting you want to buy. Choose what suits you best and remember to have fun with it!


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